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Patrick Dillon



Matthew Hinkle

Director of Accounts

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Carlo Victa

Director of Operations

The WISE engine has lots of moving parts. At any given time, we have multiple disciplines, processes, and projects running to deliver excellence for client partners. But even as most folks focus on external strategy and fulfillment, someone needs to ensure we stay internally aligned so everyone can reach their highest goals. That’s where I come in.

As Director of Operations at WISE, I’m focused on four “P’s”:

  • People management
  • Process management
  • Project management
  • Purpose fulfillment

I leverage decades of leadership experience in service of those four items because I’ve recognized that:

  • To become a great coach, you need a great coach
  • Product consistency requires process clarity
  • External results begin with internal alignment
  • Long-term success demands short-term milestones

As the old Japanese proverb goes: “Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.” I ensure WISE always has both vision and action so we can continue helping businesses reap success beyond their wildest dreams.

More Details

  • As a founding member of WISE Digital, I previously led and developed our SEO and copywriting departments
  • I have decades of winning leadership and management experience over multiple continents and contexts
  • I have been called an “11 out of 10” manager by direct reports

Why I 💚 WISE

We started WISE with an aim to do digital marketing right. Can we put out quality work while staying internally healthy, i.e., where no one has to die in the process? No one has died yet, so that's a win, right? But on a serious note, WISE Digital is filled with some of the most chill, collaborative, and talented people around. I wake up excited to go to work, and I can think of no bigger endorsement than that.

Build. Grow. Soar.

Get WISE about digital marketing with advanced services, industry experts, and cutting-edge tools designed for long-term, sustainable growth.